As an adult, I discovered bills and subsequently, budgets... Idk what kind of pay I would need to be able to afford all the books that I bring home... But I do know, working in a public library will not yield such an income lol... Which im totally ok with, because one thing it most definitely yields is BOOKS. Free ones... Nearly 100% of what I read i get from the library.
The library has made it possible to haul stacks and stacks of books home at a time, get all the new releases, keep up with what's trending...
It's pretty wild how libraries work... And how much they do for the community and for bibliophiles, on a budget...
Not to mention all the other cool stuff! DVDs, CDs, audiobooks, homework help, internet hotspots, etc...
I depend so heavily on my library, I wouldn't know what to do without it... And I don't think I want to find out...